Τετάρτη, 12 Μαρτίου 2025

Central Board of Health

The Central Board of Health (KESY) is an advisory body related to the structure and operation of the National Health System. It was established in the Ministry of Health and Welfare with Law no. 1278/1982 (105 A), as amended & supplemented and currently in force. With its establishment it replaced the previous Supreme Health Council. KESY is established by decision of the Minister of Health and it’s term of office is three years. KESY’s competences include the following:

  • It has major responsibility for planning, scheduling, identifying the objectives, guidelines and the formulation of the national strategy on health and submitting relevant proposals to the Minister of Health.
  • Provides opinions on any matter of current policy with regard to health, which is referred to health and recommends measures for the implementation of program objectives.
  • Monitors the programming process, the effectiveness of the program at central and regional level and recommends corrective action.
  • Kesy has primary responsibility in all matters regarding the educational process of health personnel.

Standing committees and working groups serve its activities with a specific term of office and task.

By presidential decrees which are issued after the proposal of the Minister of Health it may be given to KESY also other responsibilities.

President of the Central Board of Health:

Dimitrios T Boumpas, MD, FACP Professor of Medicine and Rheymatology NKUA, Attikon University Hospital

Vice President of the Central Board of Health:

Tzanela Marinella, Director of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Evangelismos Hospital